We are knee-deep into 2018, and there’s lots of change in the Honor Oak air. First let me introduce myself…
My name is Yomi, and I am one of four people involved in managing the Honor Oak Park Twitter feed since 2010. The other members are Brett, Aidan, Amy, and Teresa.
We came together with the sole aim of building an online community to promote Honor Oak, and over the past 8 years we’ve seen many changes, and feel it is time to step up and do more, but we need your help and involvement.
We’ve changed our Twitter handle to Honor Oak Org, which we hope underlines our aims, as we intend on highlighting local issues through our blog / monthly newsletter, and would like your contribution. Anything that affects you as a local person is our concern, and we’d like to hear from you.
Our first ambition is to have a local mural painted on the bridge over the railway line. We’ve already started a consultation with Network Rail, and are about to shortlist a series of artist designs that will be put to a local vote.
We are also in conversation with London Overground with regards to hosting a curated art wall, beside Honor Oak Park station. We aim to crowdfund the project, as well as seek additional funding from interested parties. We hope you take an interest in this development.
We’d also like to explore the best way to approach the planned opening of a Domino’s Pizza restaurant on our parade. While we know this is a divisive issue, we acknowledge there are pros and cons of having a third pizza establishment on our little retail space, especially as it could impact noise, road safety, and other local concerns.
There’s also the issue of parking, which is a major hassle, owing to the increase in residents, and people who park near the station and commute to work. Is there a better way of addressing this without having a Controlled Parking Zone?
Anyhow, these are some of the issues that we know affect the community, and in the absence of a official body, we would like to use this platform to start talks about changing things in our neighbourhood.
Join us now by e-mailing, when you read this.