Lewisham CPZ

Lewisham Council would like to cover the entire borough in CPZs[1] (Controlled Parking Zones).  Their rationale for this seems to partly stem from Lewisham Borough having a relatively low proportion of CPZs compared to other boroughs.  Following a herd seems like a tenuous reason to do anything, but the comparative boroughs they mention are Tower […]

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We’re Almost UP!

So it’s summer, and we’re finally making progress. Sorry for the delay in posting, but we’ve been in talks to make sure our next dispatch had news, and here it is… Let’s Beautify Honor Oak Station After showing an interest in creating a mural on one of the walls in front of the station, we […]

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All Change…

We are knee-deep into 2018, and there’s lots of change in the Honor Oak air. First let me introduce myself… My name is Yomi, and I am one of four people involved in managing the Honor Oak Park Twitter feed since 2010. The other members are Brett, Aidan, Amy, and Teresa. We came together with […]

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Where Do You Live?

With the intention of asking local people where they thought they live, our local group – Friends of Honor Oak –  initiated an online survey on 24th February 2014. We were also very interested in how connected people felt to their community and what drove its sense of identity. We were prompted to do this owing […]

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We Are the Friends of Honor Oak

Welcome to the Friends of Honor Oak blog (FOHO). We’re a small green leafy part of the SE23 area, sandwiched between Forest Hill, Brockley, and Lewisham in South London. Over the past number of years we’ve been locally vocal through our Twitter stream @HonorOakPark, and our Facebook page. This blog will be used to share news affecting the local […]

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